I reached that moment as a coach 😲

That moment I started questioning everything I was doing landed me at a crossroads in my career.

I continually had these questions running through my mind,

What’s my purpose? ➡️ Who am I? ➡️ Am I on the right path? ➡️ Should I be doing something else?

I don’t know if you’ve been in this place, or maybe you are there right now.

It’s that place we arrive at where we question who we are and where we are going!

It usually comes before a transition; however, before we can move, we have to have what we lack…Clarity!

The challenge is that being in this place can also be tiring, confusing, and stressful.

Because trying to figure out the answers to our questions and gain clarity is tough.

A bit about me

I’ve had this experience 3 times in my life now: in 2009, 2017, and 2023.

Most recently, in 2023, I’ve become a father, which has undoubtedly kicked up these more existential questions for me to revisit.

Nothing throws people into self-reflection more than:

My spiritual self-questioning was all around my focus and direction as a coach.

Months of self-reflection, deep diving into who I am, and working with my coach. Also, I had conversations with those whose council I respect.

For the past 5 years as a performance coach, I have focused on Performance. Coaching and teaching clients to get the most out of themselves without breaking themselves. Releasing themselves from their limiting beliefs and navigating stress and anxiety to create empowered results in their world.

It’s been amazing, and I’ve learned so much.

I’ve also learned more about myself, and this is where the intention of my post comes full circle.

What I reflected on over the past few months is that,

→ What do I love coaching people on?

→ What lights me up?

→ What am I great at?

→ What are my core values?

→ What am I stand for in this world?

→ Who am I now as a father?

I realised it was time to evolve my coaching approach in the next phase. I have elevated my coaching skills, knowledge, and experience and see what works for people and what can create long-term success for them.

So, I have created something new and exciting for future clients.

I call it Explore You, Beyond Boundaries – Revolutionary Coaching Experiences For People Standing At a Crossroads in Life.

You can find out more about it via my website: https://lnkd.in/eq6dq7T

What about you?

If you find yourself standing at a critical juncture of your life, needing clarification as to what’s next for you or how even to make that decision, I want to share with you that very rarely answers the questions you seek outside of you…

True clarity can be found by looking inward!

It’s often the case that we try to find the answers and we can go round and round in circles trying to get it right.

We can even exhibit behaviors of getting fixed on small details or trying to improve things in life that aren’t broken. Often, it is a way of distracting ourselves from the more significant questions in our lives.

In my opinion, the best way to answer more existential questions about our purpose, direction, who we are, and the meaning of life for us is,

Lean into who you are.

No, this is not a wishy-washy guru answer; it is about getting clear on the following:

  1. What are your core values?
  2. What do you stand for in life?
  3. What makes you, you? (beyond society labels)

It’s essential to get clear in these because clarity here gives you a framework for tackling those bigger questions.

How can we ever really answer the question, what’s my purpose in life, without breaking it down into small junks?

The question is too big, too grand, too vast.

We can spend an entire lifetime answering a question like that.

But ask yourself,

We can start breaking down meaning in our lives and what matters. This starts the guiding of our journey towards more discovery of purpose.

So, the crossroads – What next?

Being at a crossroads in life, for whatever reason, is precisely where you are meant to be, so find peace and acceptance in that.

Regardless of how difficult it feels or what you went through to be here, you are here and for a reason.

To make your decision, you should start by getting clear on YOU.

Review this article, re-read all my shared questions, and answer these.

And if you want to get-go, you’ve got to get six layers deep. So ask the core three questions that resonate most with you, and ask yourself these six times. Each time you get an answer, stay with it for a day or 2, then return to it and re-ask it with your new self-awareness.

After six attempts, you find a new sense of depth, previously unknown.

What if I want more support?

If this is you, reach out and we can discuss this further in a coaching situation.

Thank you for reading.


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